I'm here in New York with my two friends from Glasgow, I just arrived today at around 8pm. I was going to leave sooner, but found out the studios would be shutting down before I returned to Providence, so I had to go to my painting studio and take all of my canvases off their stretchers and then roll the canvases (about 8 of them) around a tube. Then I was out of there!
Actually, the day before, on Friday we had our final day of crits in painting (2 day crits - intense!). So the night before that on Thursday, I stayed all night in the studio, from the time our class ended at 6:30pm, until the time our class started the next day at 9am. I wasnt' the only one, there were about 4 of us all-nighters. And I finished up one painting, and started and finished two other paintings, plus added some colour bits to a large drawing! I had told my teacher I was only going to have one painting finished, but I felt really sick about that, I felt like I would probably get skewered in crit, so I thought I may as well attempt something. It was a good thing I had a concept in mind before I started painting. That's the hardest part usually, coming up with the idea.
So, the funny thing was that the paintings turned out well, and everybody liked them very much - Go figure! People were saying, when it was over, "keep painting what you're painting!" so it was really encouraging. The concensus was that my paintings showed a deadpan humour. It's weird because I don't ever try for that, for the paintings to be houmourous. I'll post the paintings as soon as I can figure out how to do it. Actually, I only took photos of two of the paintings, the others are rolled up, so it might be a while before they'll be posted. It was a raucous crit, everyone was exhausted and giddy, and it was actually a fun time. So last night I got home at 7:30 pm and slept until 10 am and I feel quite back to normal, it hasn't really sunk in that risd is over!!! Wow, it was quite the slog! Now that it's over, it's a bit like giving birth, I've already begun to forget the parts about the semester in which I was in excruciating hell (refer to previous post)!
My friends are leaving tomorrow, and then I will have a whole week in New York to do as I please, with no assignments to worry about, but it's funny, because as I was on the bus this afternoon, I kept thinking about what I'm going to paint next, and the whole process is starting over in my mind. New York!!!!
Still life with packaging (one of 4 paintings from final crit):