They have this good thing here, called Safe Ride and Safe Walk. Safe Ride is a bunch of vans that drive around the campuses of Brown & RISD, after a certain time, and students can catch it, for free, and take it home. After midnight (until 4 am) they will drive you directly to your door without going on a circuitous route. Sweet! I used this on Wednesday night when I was at my painting studio until 2 am. Ahh, it was nice instead of walking 25 mins. home. alone. in the dark.
Here's the safeRide driver writing down in his book that he took me home:

But a lot of times I cannot coordinate with the RISD saferide for some reason, so I usually just end up walking home because it's faster than waiting. in the dark. alone. So this is when safewalk comes in handy. It's a job for Brown students. They work from midnight until 2am walking students home safely.
The other night while walking home at around 1am, I got a safewalk home with two Brown students, David from Ohio and (woops, forgot your name, sorry) from Pittsburgh. It's nice to be walked home so late and to not have to feel freaked out. Also, it's nice talking to some new people.

Oh yeah, the reason I was walking home so late on that night - Bloc Party concert! It was an excellent show!

1 comment:
Miss u Denise -Josan
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