It was so warm, we ate outside and I only wore a shirt! I ate two pieces of pie, and then they said, please, take some food home, we have too much! So I took home enough helpings for two dinners for myself later, plus much more for my roommate (he works at JCPenny, and says, after taxes, he makes about $6 per hour!), but I did eat one of his pieces of pie - so that made three pieces in total that day for me. And my pants are tight now! But I was pms-ing so I have since excused myself - but not totally.
And before the school shut down on Wednesday, I spent a few hours in the library's little video viewing room. They have these comfy bean bag chairs (actually, not too comfy on the neck) and I smuggled some food into that room and THOROUGHLY enjoyed myself watching Manhatten by Wood Allen and Blood Simple by the Coen Brothers (Fargo fame - they have a new movie, great reviews, can't wait!).

While I was watching the movies I fell asleep for about an hour or so, after a long week of late nights in the painting studio.
Because I have no tv or dvd player at home, and no computer at home, any time I can watch moving pictures is thoroughly enjoyable! This is the first time I've allowed myself to watch some movies at the library here, even though I do it practically every lunch time when I'm at ECI, watch bits of movies while I eat my lunch.
So I was thankful for the holiday, because this week I've been getting some much-needed sleep!
Oh, also, the previous weekend, I went with 3 friends to Vermont, and I was soo tired, I didn't even take photos, except for this one in the rest stop on the interstate as we were leaving Vermont, it was only about 6pm and so dark!

And then, just before I was going to bring the rental car back to Budget - a flipping fender-bender! It was my fault, I was backing out across two lanes, and did not see the guy behind me and I crunched into him! Not too serious, but will probably ending up costing me serious cash!

hey denise
glad you like the paintings! I've gotten a lot of good feedback on them.
bummer about the fender bender. doesn't it suck when you have to pay money for things that you don't get anything out of. blah.
I am also a little excited to get back to ECIAD... I love Glasgow, and even the school, but it is way too easy to do absolutely nothing. I have barely done anything at all this week. Although since I only get 12 credits for being here, I'll have to take extra classes next semester... gonna be crazy!
are you taking painting? I've got it on wednesday afternoons...
Hi Lianne! Yes, I really loved them, the mix of abstract with representational, they felt very "BC" to me, the subject matter, and sort of Etienne-Zack-inspired? I donno, what do you think about that? My only critique would be of the clouds, what do you think about that [sorry, not sure you're looking for critique] Yep, I'm taking painting with Martin G - still can't remember his last name - on Tuesdays, and Figure and Body on Fridays. I can't WAIT to get back to ECI and do some relaxed, down to earth painting for chrissakes!!!
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